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Steiff Cats |
Steiff 10-inch Standing Plush Kitten
Available in grey or red.
Steiff Cats
If you need help identifying your vintage Steiff cat
or other items, visit our
Steiff Price Guides
for some useful references. Some of the Steiff cats are
part of my personal collection. If you are
interested in buying a Steiff Halloween cat or black
cat, send me an email. They make great Halloween
gifts or displays.
Kitty Mohair Purple Cat 7"
Exact replica of a 1931 original.
From my personal collection: |
Scary Cat, 10cm, 2003, All ID, 666957, LE 2003.
Halloween Cat or Tom Cat, 14cm, Silver ID, 1950-1976
Burri Tom Cat, Black Cat, 10cm, ID and Cloth Tag, 1496/10. 1979-1984.
Find collectibles, specializing in
Steiff Stuffed Animals and Madame Alexander Dolls.
South Bay Gifts
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